Think of Me

I'm not Mad! I'm Just a Phan!

This parody of "Think of Me" from the musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber was posted by a fan under the alias "Lady Sarah." I think it was in the musical "Man of La Mancha" that I heard the phrase, "A man was put in an asylum because they thought he was mad. Then they realized he was only a poet." So it is with Phans!

Think of Me

Think of me, think of me fondly
when we've said goodbye.
Remember me, sane and collected -
Promise me you'll try.
When you find that I have lost my mind,
remember what I used to be.
If you pass by my asylum, stop and think of me.

Although it's clear that I am very near
to cracking to insanity,
I know you will be here soon so stop and think of me.
My clock's cukoo has a different crow,
but the funny farm can be so drab, you know.

Think of me, think of me waking in an asylum.
Imagine me trying too hard not to loose my mind.
Think of me, think of the brink of me
when psycho-analysts would shriek.
The R.A. has even told me that I am a freak!

Can it be, can it be? Oh, no!
Long ago, it seems so long ago,
so sane and organized, that time.
It cannot be that far back,
'cause I'm still in my prime.

(Rather long interlude where you get
a paper looking like a medical record)

YES! What a change! I'm really not a bit
the psycho that they first had planned.

No, the reason they had thought so's 'cos I am....
a - a - a - a - a - a - aaa....
a - a - a - a - a - a - aaaa...
aaaa - aaaa - a - a - aaaa - aaaa - aaaaaa....

*bows deeply*
The Affectionate O Spirited One,
~Lady Sarah

Disclaimer: The Mad Phan is purely fictional. Any resemblance to any real life Mad Phan, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

No phans are known to suffer from any mental illness due to their love of the phantom. In fact, they relish in it at every given opportunity that comes their way.

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